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Laurent Salinas Crosses France

Published on:
27 Oct 2011

Laurent Salinas recently completed an exciting adventure with his friend Marc Coffinet. Laurent was piloting his Viper 2 as the duo flew from the English Channel to the Mediterranean Sea in vol-bivouac style. PPG wings create an amazing platform for XC flying, particularly at this time of year when the air is clear and calm and there are no real thermals for free-flight XC. Marc and Laurent packed up their wings with about 55kg of motors and gear, and flew across the country in just over a week. Along the way they were treated to landscapes and perspectives that can only be accessed with a PPG wing. We say it again and again, but free-flight pilots, although oftentimes initially discouraged by the noise and hassle of a motor, should all try paramotor flying at least once. It is an amazing and beautiful discipline which allows a type of 3D freedom that is totally unknown to free-flyers. Look for the full story on their adventure in coming issues of Paramotor magazines. Cheers from all the Team!


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