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Published on:
06 Jan 2024

“I remember driving up to launch for my first mountain flights with a mix of dread and excitement, but I caught my first thermal that day, and flew with a red-tail hawk. That was it, mind exploded.

For me, flying is a fresh way to explore the world on a really macro scale. It's quite a contrast from my 30 years spent exploring the micro scale in rock climbing.

I love that feeling of nervous uncertainty at the start of a big flight. I love encountering the unexpected. I love trying to build mental models for a chaotic and invisible force! I love the way you have to adapt and evolve with the changing conditions of the day. I love optimizing and pushing my psychological and intellectual abilities. I love how outrageous and otherworldly it feels to be transported long distances with wind, string and fabric. And I love that paragliding has a wonderful community of people that I love dearly”

Ein weltberühmter Kletterer wird zum Gleitschirmfan, Cedar Wright.

Ozone Menschen / Ozone People ist eine Filmreihe, die unsere Zuschauer ein bisschen eintauchen lässt in das Fliegerleben unserer Freunde, die ihre Essenz in der Luft finden.

Video by Karl Steslicke
#ozonepeople #flyozone


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